Honestly, my only hope is that this little comic thesis does not start any discourse and shitstorm of hate and toxic behaviors. If you liked my take, great! If you didn’t, I don’t know why you even clicked on this in the first place…? Walk away. I’m not worth your time and energy. Don’t let one random idiot on the internet’s opinion (yes that’s me btw I’m the idiot hello <3) on a children’s cartoon ruin your experience with it, because it is not worth your time sending me or anyone who enjoyed what I have to offer hates over …a …literal kid show.

I did not continue to watch the series past season 4, but I hope anyone who did decide to stick with the show till the end had an enjoyable ride. I, however, got off in 2022 and have been working on this thesis comic ever since.

As I’ve mentioned, I have not and will not be watching any other seasons past season 4 because, by the time I posted this, ss7 (the finale, probably) would have already aired. So any and all additional plotlines/character relevancies past s44 are logically not considered and included.

Again to be clear, I will always and forever love Callum and Aaravos to death

but not the show itself, and certainly not after this particular scene in this episode of ss4.

I hope the time and effort that I put into this comic proves how much I truly, really love these characters.

I would consider releasing the continuation of the plot following the rewrite in this comic as well as my spine for a rewrite of the entire series if there is an overwhelming demand from all of you for me to do so, as I actually do know how I would go about ending this story while hitting the same plot beats as the original materials.

But for the time being, this is all I have to offer.

I am definitely very spiteful of the executions of both of my favorite characters’ stories and I have nothing good to say to/about the writers themselves. I’m sure they’re all lovely people…

But the way they write their characters and the story makes me want to commit acts of violence (jk, maybe…maybe half kidding)

My frustrations aren’t with the writers personally, but rather with the way they presented and built their craft, which not only felt like they were insulting my intelligence as their viewer but also gave me the inkling that they do not love any of their characters nor the story that they were trying to tell in the slightest. tldr: I felt like they didn’t give a shit.

I was going to release a full-length essay analyzing and critiquing the terrible assassination of Aaravos as a character, but now that ss7 is out, I realized that it is pointless for me to say anything that could have possibly savaged the way they sent him to the guillotine.

(Also if I were to write that essay I want to include doodles to accompany it to more accurately describe my thought process, which will take even longer and I just don’t have the strength nor courage for that rn.)

So here are links to two other people who explained a lot about what was wrong with this show and they probably did it better than me even if I tried:



The reason why I bothered making this comic in the first place was because I genuinely wanted the show to be successful. It had so much potential to explore many new concepts that have never been discussed in Western media before, especially for children’s show. It could have been amazing. But it wasn’t… And that made me sad.

Again this is just my opinion, and what I said is not the absolute truth nor will it necessarily be true for you.

I welcome comments and your opinions, so long as you're polite and reasonable. I can't guarantee that I will respond to every or any of them at all because the making of this thesis took more than two years of my sadly, finite, life and consumed most if not all of my mental and physical health. I also suffer from extreme anxiety and merely posting any of this was a herculean task for me.